
Synchronicities. Are they good? Are they bad? Do they mean something? Do they mean nothing?

I think of them as positive things, like they are telling me I’m on the right path. It’s as much confirmation that God can give without flat out telling me. He has to maintain that “psi uncertainty principle” that Dr. Thomas Campbell is always yapping about. God wants us to have faith, but not blind faith. It’s a part of his plan.

I keep a log of these synchoncities. Some of them are huge and then some of them are barely worth mentioning. But it’s funny, no matter the size I can always rely on one thing: the people I tell about them could not be less interested.

“But that van is the same van I saw yesterday!” or “The song I randomly sang was featured on that show we watched an hour later!” or "A unique turn of phrase was used by two people on the same day who have no relation to each other!” Ho-hum. Who cares.

Even as I typed those out, I realized they were far from earth-shattering. But I continue to document. I continue to pay attention. I continue to search for meaning in the mundane.


2012 Forever


Daemons Warning- Janus