Daemons Warning- Janus

As I’ve grown in faith and in spirituality it becomes more and more clear that we are dealing with other worldly, other dimensionally, things. Intelligences that affect (seemingly almost entirely) negatively our emotions. Through prayer and meditations and just straight-up day dreaming, I’ve begun to create a list of these daemons and what their different abilities (interests) are.

I’m not pretending that these are the real demons of the Bible, or that they are fallen angels. I can’t pretend to know. What I can tell you is their various effects on my own mind and maybe some of these descriptions will ring true for you as well, gentle reader.

I’ll be doing this in seperate blog posts in the interests of brevity.

First up, and in no particular order, we have a nasty little bugger I like to call Janus. Janus has many faces unlike the mythological character of myth with his mere two.

Abilities: Janus creates a fake version of someone that you can argue with in your mind. Whether you win the argument or lose the argument, that isn’t the point. The point is that it makes you come to a false conclusion. You believe that the conclusion you came up with is the true one so it’s better to not try in real life and save the expense. This creature can also create entire events or activities.

How many friends would I have made, how many true connections, if Janus hadn’t created a version of them in my head that I would argue and bicker with. Totally unfair to the real person. How many events, like my prom, did I bail out on because I knew it couldn’t possibly match up with the picture in my head. Planted falsely by Janus, but also helped in no small part with TV and movies.

It can prevent me from telling the truth. The conjured fake person is unforgiving and harsh. They have no pity, they won’t see things my way. It’s best to keep secrets and massage reality (lie) so that I won’t have to ever face that fake person. But I bet that if I didn’t listen to Janus and spoke openly and honestly with people (especially loved ones) those relationships would be deep and strong and not shallow and brittle.

Honestly, I don’t regret skipping the prom, but this has applied to other activities I eventually tried and wished I hadn’t put off for so long. Like improv comedy.

Like all these daemons Janus has for its goal to merely destroy its host. It doesn’t seem to spur men to creation (it uses only the negative side of imagination). Instead the person will waste away at home, sufficient that he has outsmarted the outside world. That with his tiny electric meatball he has been able to successfully predict how each human interaction will unfold. It’s sad; introverts are the easiest prey for this daemon.




Free will