My name is Matthew. This is a space. Let’s explore it, shall we?

I’m not sure if I should type anything here.

Look. We’re all tired of social media, right? Remember when the Internet used to be fun?

You can get your account taken away for having the wrong opinion. How is that cool?

That hasn’t happened to me, by the way. But you hear about it all the time.

I’m just saying, I’m not pro-bigfoot or anti-bigfoot, but you should be able to say whichever position you want.

And not just bigfoot stuff, other stuff too.

Whether it be movies, books, video games, or whatever. Telling stories has always fascinated me. Story shapes how we view ourselves, our society, and the world. It gives meaning. I’m of the opinion that “story” is a mind virus that has captured humanity.


Short for “Web Log” a blog is a spewing of nonsense straight out of my head to your eyeballs. So, my head to your head basically. It’s weird to think of it that way. like, when I read Moby Dick, it was like Herman Melville’s head was pressed up against my head. But through time instead of space.

What was I talking about? Oh yes. I will have a blog.

Board game reviews

Board games are the best, I loves me some board games. I’ll post some reviews here. They won’t be great. There are more experienced board gamers out there. Wow, can you imagine? Being an expert in board games, I mean. You would really have to have a lot of friends to do something like that.

Web toons

Short for “Web Log” web toons are some doodles that I do for funsies. They can be sometimes funny or sometimes serious. But what they are all the time is this: impactful. Sometimes I’ll even use words to show how impactful they are, like ‘WHAM!’ or "‘POW!” or somesuch.

Today I work in accounting. I like how, when properly done, there’s a place for everything, and everything can be quantified.

It doesn’t always work out that neatly, but it’s a nice idea.

What else, what else…I work out a few times a week (HIIT.) I’m a big breakfast guy.

I really went with a carnival theme on this page, not sure how that happened. I don’t go to that many carnivals. At least, I don’t think I do. What’s a lot?

Let’s get together and feel all right.